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Can Apple Mac Get Hacked

카테고리 없음

by matifisecrennai 2020. 11. 26. 02:36


  1. Can Apple Mac Get Hacked Without
  2. Apple Hacked Apps
  3. Apple Hacked News

A major security crack, aptly nicknamed “GoTo Fail,” could give malicious hackers carte blanche to creep on your Apple goodies - iPhones, iPads, iPod touches, and Mac laptops and desktop computers.

Apple’s official Twitter account has been hacked this afternoon as part of a wide-ranging Twitter compromise. The official @Apple account is one of many high-profile accounts to have been hacked this afternoon as part of the Bitcoin scheme.

Update: Twitter appears to have disabled the ability for verified accounts to tweet in wake of this compromise.

Update: Twitter has restored tweeting power to verified accounts as of 8:40 p.m. ET on 6/15

The tweet has already been deleted but can be seen in the above screenshot. It was up for around 5 minutes. Remarkably enough, it represented the first-ever tweet to come from the official Apple account, with Apple only using its Twitter account to run promoted content.

This hack is likely a Twitter-level compromise of some sort and has affected countless high-level executives and brands. In addition to Apple, Jeff Bezos, Mike Bloomberg, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Uber, Kanye West, and many more have also had their Twitter accounts compromised.


The notable Twitter accounts that have been affected by this compromise include:

Can Apple Mac Get Hacked Without

  • Apple
  • Joe Biden
  • Elon Musk
  • Jeff Bezos
  • Bill Gates
  • Mike Bloomberg
  • Kanye West
  • Uber
  • Floyd Mayweather
  • Cash App
  • Warren Buffett
  • Barack Obama
  • MrBeast

The Apple tweet read:

We are giving back to our community. We support Bitcoin and we believe you should too!

All Bitcoin sent to our address below will be sent back to you doubled! Only going for the next 30 minutes.

All of the tweets from each account are highly coordinated. The pitch is that the brand or person will double any payment sent to the included Bitcoin address. According to a report from CoinDesk, many of the accounts were using two-factor authentication.

Whereas the Apple tweet was quickly removed and has yet to be reposted, tweets continue to be sent and eventually deleted on Elon Musk’s account. In fact, the most recent Tweet from Musk’s account claims that the Tesla CEO sent out $45,000 as part of the promise.

Thus far, the scheme appears to have generated well over $100,000 worth of Bitcoin. This number continues to grow quickly and tweets continue to emerge from high-profile accounts.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Bill Gates said:

“We can confirm that this tweet was not sent by Bill Gates. This appears to be part of a larger issue that Twitter is facing. Twitter is aware and working to restore the account.”

Twitter has issued the following statement:

We are aware of a security incident impacting accounts on Twitter. We are investigating and taking steps to fix it. We will update everyone shortly.


More to come…

FTC: We use income earning auto affiliate links.More.

“I bought a Mac, because it’s safer than a PC.”

“I always surf the web with my iPhone, because I know it can’t get infected.”

“I got a virus on my first PC, so now I only use Apple products.”

Sound familiar?

Too often, the rhetoric around the Mac vs. PC debate focuses on Apple’s presumed invulnerability to cybercrime. Many consumers believe (a belief that is bolstered by Apple’s marketing of “security by design”) that unlike Windows devices, Apple products are immune to cyber threats.

Unfortunately, as we witnessed this week, this logic is deeply flawed. Apple products can and do get hacked, and consumers who believe their devices are invulnerable are most susceptible to data loss after a compromise.

New iPhone Security Flaw Discovered in iOS 6.1

The most recent version of Apple’s mobile operating system (iOS 6.1) contains a security flaw that allows hackers to bypass your password, make calls, listen to recent messages, tinker with your contact list, and even access private photos. The hack was posted on YouTube on January 31st, and it uses another phone placed nearby to bypass an iPhone password and access these limited functions. And while the original poster urged users to “play nice” with the flaw and only use it for harmless pranks, the hack presents a serious security risk until it is patched by Apple.

This flaw is just one in a long line of security risks in previous versions of Apple’s mobile operating system. Like most vendors, Apple is quick to a fix these problems once they are discovered, but the fact remains that these devices are becoming more and more vulnerable to attack.

So, if Apple devices really are just as vulnerable, why does everyone still believe Macs are safer?

This question can be answered best if broken down into two parts:

  1. The security built into the Apple operating system
  2. The number of security threats (viruses) made to target the Apple operating system

The reason why we say Macs are just as vulnerable as PCs to security threats is due to #1, the security built into the Apple operating system. While Apple likes to tout that they have “security built in” (which they do), their systems are no more secure than Windows devices, which ALSO have security features built in by design. This is exemplified by this most recent iOS 6.1 vulnerability; It’s a simple loophole that slipped through the cracks of Apple’s security team.

The second part of this answer examines the actual number of threats out there – the fact that right now, there are fewer viruses designed to attack Macs. This is of course a valid observation (the volume of Android threats found by McAfee Labs in 2012 far surpassed the number of iOS threats), but users must be prepared as these threats grow.

For some context, consider the differences between computer criminals and ordinary criminals. Both groups are made up of rational individuals, but their motivations are very different. The bulk of ordinary crime – burglaries, car break-ins – is done by disadvantaged young people, often from underfunded school districts and historically segregated neighborhoods. This type of crime is most often predicted and prevented by examining socioeconomic forces – figuring out why these groups are disadvantaged and how to best improve their opportunities.

In contrast, the bulk of online crime is committed by technically savvy people living in poor countries like Russia, India, or Brazil. Preventing and predicting online crime is usually a question of economics – figuring out where these criminals will get the most payout for the work they put in. Since right now, Windows PCs are still much more numerous than Apple devices (and they’re used by the finance industry), you are much less likely to encounter a virus that infects Apple machines.

The key thing to remember, however, is that as Apple grows in popularity and is used by more and more businesses, so does the number of viruses made specifically for Apple devices. Users must be prepared as this trend continues, and they must let go of the long-held myth that Apple products are invulnerable to attack.

Here are a few actionable tips on how to keep your Apple devices safe:

1. Enable Auto-Lock and Passcode Protection

Auto-Lock is a built-in iPhone security feature that locks your device’s touch screen after a short period of inactivity. This feature is turned on by default, and it’s best used in tandem with the iPhone’s Passcode Lock feature. This allows you to require a four-digit passcode to open the iPhone again. As a best practice, avoid using commonly used (1111 or 1234) or easy-to-guess passcodes such as your birthday.

2. Disable Features That Could be Accessed Without Entering the Passcode

By default, the Voice Dial feature of an iPhone can be accessed without unlocking it first. This feature can be used to call anyone from the contact list, play songs, and use other functions. To disable, navigate to Settings > Passcode Lock > Voice Control, and turn Voice Dial to OFF.

3. Think Twice Before Jailbreaking a Device

Jailbreaking is hacking of an iOS device to bypass limitations imposed by Apple, which can allow users to run applications that are not authorized by the Apple App Store. This makes your device much more susceptible to viruses and malicious applications.

4. Update Software Right Away

iOS security bugs (like this most recent password vulnerability) can only be fixed when you update your operating system. Not running the latest version of iOS may make your iPhone, iPad, or Mac vulnerable to defects and bugs identified in older versions.

Apple Hacked Apps

5. Download Security Protection

Security software like McAfee All Access can protect every device you own (PCs, Macs, smartphones, and tablets) with the maximum level of protection that can be delivered to each device.

Apple Hacked News

To learn more about the most common mobile security myths, be sure to follow our team on Facebook and Twitter.